Joanne Washington, LCSW-R
Chief Clinical Officer
Hunter College, CUNYBA:
Medgars Evers College, CUNYMs. Washington, is the Chief Clinical Officer of a private practice in New York, U.S.A., and brings a wealth of experience treating several diverse populations. She is distinguished for her comprehensive expertise in mental health, with a specialized forensic focus. Ms. Washington’s interest in the intersection of mental health and the legal system, has explored the complexities of human behavior within judicial contexts. Her keen insights and compassionate approach have earned her acclaim in this demanding field.
Ms. Washington also co-founded Pathema Area Collaborative, a non-profit organization established in the heart of New York State’s most challenging environments. Dedicated to combining vital mental health services and tutoring in the midst of adversity, this initiative reflects her unwavering commitment to serve marginalized communities and foster positive change. An integral aspect of Ms. Washington’s career continues, with implementing advanced knowledge and innovative approaches addressing the evolving needs of her clients and communities.
Having earned her Bachelor’s degree from Medgar Evers College, CUNY, Ms. Washington developed a strong foundation in public advocacy, which she further enhanced with a Master’s degree from Hunter College, CUNY- School of Social Work. Currently pursuing her Doctorate of Social Work at Simmons University in Boston, Massachusetts, she continues to expand her proficiency, and contribute to advancements in her field.
Beyond her professional endeavors, Ms. Washington finds fulfillment in her role as a devoted wife, and mother of three beautiful children. Her personal experiences inform her work, driving her to advocate tirelessly for mental health awareness and social justice. Ms. Washington is a beacon of inspiration, empowering others to embrace resilience, navigate truths, and foster holistic well-being, for a more inclusive, and equitable society.