Research Conference Submissions
Research Submissions
Call for Proposals

Submit your research findings and analysis related to mental health and well-being to be presented at the International Social Work Research Conference.

Presentation Formats

Although the goal of ISWRC is to highlight and support social sciences, it is not a requirement that all research submissions be social sciences in nature.


Poster presenters will have the opportunity to highlight aspects of their research at ISWRC 2025 taking place in Belize, Central America, 7th May 2025. Poster presenters will be assigned to a poster session during the networking opportunity to discuss their research with interested attendees. Poster sessions are scheduled for the afternoon of 7th May 2025.

There are 3 types of poster submissions for ISWRC 2025:

  • Standard Poster: Standard Poster submissions must only report data collection and analysis that has been completed by the time the submission is finalized. Submissions that do not report collected data and analyses, or that do not have enough collected data or analysis to make an empirical claim, will not be accepted. Non-empirical research should not be submitted as a poster.
  • Research Proposal Poster: Research Proposal Posters should represent plans for a future empirical study. Data collection should not be complete. This is a chance to receive early feedback on your research study plan. Your submission should describe an empirical research study plan in detail including hypotheses, experimental design, plan for participant recruitment, procedure, plan for statistical analysis, and expected results.
  • Teaching Poster: Teaching Posters should pertain to the teaching of social sciences. This includes, but is not limited to, teaching techniques, innovations, evaluation, and philosophy. Posters should focus on methods for teaching social sciences including social work, psychology, sociology, anthropology, behavior sciences, etc., such as particularly effective or innovative courses or course organizations, strategies (including demonstrations) for promoting active learning, ways of integrating course material, helpful use of technology, and the like. These posters are presented as part of the CBU Center for Community Engagement and Social Innovation.

For more detailed information, please review the full submission rules and guidelines:

· Workshop Symposium

A workshop symposium is a focused session in which individual speakers present their research on a common issue related to mental health. Symposia should have the dual goals of providing diversity of perspective and integrating those perspectives into a meaningful solution for working with those who suffer from mental illness. Symposia are scheduled in 45-minute time slots and should allow for discussion with the audience.

An LCD projector, screen, microphone and speakers will be available in each presentation room for symposia. Presenter/s must supply their own laptop computer, as well as all other equipment for their presentation.

Deadlines for Submission

All symposium submissions must be finalized by March 2025. There will be ongoing acceptance of proposals until the desired amount of presentation is received. Early notifications of acceptance or rejection will be sent in March 2025, after the Peer Review Conference Committee has reviewed all workshop symposium submissions.

Review, Selection, and Notifications

Submissions will be peer reviewed by Conference Committee. Only a limited number of workshop can be accepted for presentation at ISWRC 2025, so please include as many relevant details as possible in your submission in order for the conference peer review committee to effectively evaluate your submission.

With all submissions the peer review Committee retains the right to request additional information, ask that changes be made to improve a workshop research presentation, or decline a presentation the committee does not find relevant to the mental health research theme. No changes can be made after proposals have been submitted unless the peer review committee has specifically requested that change.

Occasionally, the conference peer review Committee recommends that a workshop submission be considered for individual poster presentations rather than a workshop. When this happens, the presenters will be notified of this recommendation, and each author will be offered the opportunity to submit individual presentations as posters.

Workshop Symposium Speaker Responsibilities

All presenter/s must register for the Conference. Registration fees from attendees can be paid online via credit card. Fees can also be paid and will be accepted at check-in for conference however it is encouraged to pay prior due to lines.

The commitment of all participants must be secured in advance of proposal submission.

Submission Guidelines

ISWRC seeks presentations showcasing the latest findings in behavioral sciences related to mental health and well-being.

To submit a workshop symposium, you’ll need to provide the following information:

  • Workshop Presenter Information: When you begin your workshop symposium submission, you’ll be prompted to complete a Google form with the following information.
  1. Title: The title should be succinct and descriptive because it will be listed without the abstract in Conference materials.
  2. Abstract: A brief, high-level overview of the workshop symposium. Include Background, Purpose/AIM, Methods, Results, Conclusion (100-word maximum).
  3.  Subject area/Theme: Related area of research; used to match the proposal with the best-suited peer reviewer. Secondary subject area may also be selected.
    Subject areas: Social Sciences, Social Work, Behavioral Health, Biological Psychology, Clinical Social Work, Cultural Anthropology, Psychology, Epigenetics, School Psychology, Social Emotional Learning, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Lifespan Development, Other
  4. Supporting summary: The supporting summary should describe the overall workshop symposium in detail. In this section, you are encouraged to include information about how the workshop symposium meets the goals of providing diversity of perspective and integrating those perspectives into a meaningful solution to the global mental health problem. (300-word maximum, plain-text format).
  • Presenter Information: University or business affiliation, individual e-mail address, and highest degree earned must be included for all presenters/co-authors


Authors present their posters using a visual medium with key excerpts from the papers displayed on a free-standing bulletin board in portrait/vertical format.

The maximum size you may print your poster is 96 cm wide x 105 cm high. The board that you will display your poster on is 96 cm wide x 105 cm high. You may print your poster in any size that fits within those dimensions.

Poster presentations should incorporate illustrative materials such as tables, graphs, photographs, and large-print text, and materials should be clearly readable from a distance of approximately 1 meter, or 3 feet (primary text font should be 20 points or larger, and headings font at least 30 points). Posters are assigned a bulletin board number and are organized by keyword when possible. No audio-visual equipment can be used.

You are NOT required to submit your final poster before presentation. If your poster proposal was accepted for presentation, you simply need to bring your printed poster to ISWRC for presentation.

Panel Discussion

Create a panel discussion based on one of the themes of the conference. There should be at least 3-4 persons on the panel.


This could be presented as an overview of a research paper. Researcher discussion the research and the methodology related to a topic connected to the theme of the conference.

Contact for questions: Dr. Kendra Flores-Carter or Mrs. Azalia Larrieu